Identify possible imbalances within your team

Our analysis is based on various models of imbalance as well as our many years of experience in the field of team development and team training. With the help of 24 questions, you can determine whether and which of the most common imbalances are hindering your team on its way to more efficiency and success.

Teamentwicklung Teamanalyse

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    That you assess the statements honestly without thinking too long about the answer.

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    At the end of the analysis, you will receive an overview of the possible imbalances within your team and suitable suggestions to remove these obstacles.

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    Use the evaluation as a basis for an individual consultation to find the appropriate programme, tailored to your needs.

What are the most common imbalances within a team?

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True collaborative work, self-organised units and an orientation of value creation in the overall context of the company: these are the ideals of almost every company – and yet they are so hard to find. Usually, it is one or more of these 8 common traps that teams encounter and thus prevent them from becoming a well-functioning and well-coordinated team:

1. Lack of Trust
2. Reluctance about Conflicts
3. Missing Engangement
4. Reluctance to take on Responsibility
5. Lack of Goal-Orientation
6. No Communication Culture
7. Lack of Team Leadership
8. Lack of Team Management

Select the applicable answer

Step 1 of 24

Problems within the team are openly discussed without restrictions or reservations.