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How do agencies benefit from working with BITOU

The cooperation of a classic event agency with BITOU, as an experienced provider of innovative team-building measures, can offer you a number of advantages. BITOU specializes in providing impulses for communication, cooperation and shared fun in teams to create lasting experiences.

Here are some possible advantages of this cooperation:

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1. Expanded range of services:

By working with BITOU, your event agency can expand its range of services and offer its customers unique events geared towards team building and employee motivation.

2. Create a competitive advantage through exclusive products:

Many of BITOU’s products are exclusively available only from BITOU. Offer your customers exclusive concepts and set yourself apart from the competition.

3. Specialized know-how:

BITOU brings specialized know-how in team building and experience orientation, especially for large groups. Your event agency can benefit from this expertise to offer tailor-made solutions that might not be feasible in-house.

4. High-quality event concepts:

BITOU is known for developing creative and effective event concepts that aim to improve team dynamics and strengthen employee retention. Your event agency can thus offer clients high-quality and results-oriented events.

5. Flexibility and adaptability:

BITOU concepts can be tailored to the specific needs and objectives of a company. This allows your agency to respond flexibly to your customers’ wishes and create customized experiences.

6. Quality assurance and professionalism:

Working with an experienced partner like BITOU ensures a high level of quality and professionalism in the execution of events. This can help to strengthen clients’ trust in your event agency.

7. Efficiency in planning and implementation:

Benefit from 20 years of experience. BITOU has the necessary infrastructure and experience to efficiently manage event modules from conception to implementation. Your event agency can benefit from this efficiency to save time and resources.

8. Network expansion and partnerships:

The collaboration can also help expand your professional network and form the basis for further partnerships.
In summary, partnering with BITOU can enable an event agency to diversify its service offering, expand its team building expertise and deliver unique, value-added event experiences to its clients.

Why we make agencies more successful and do not compete with you

BITOU has set itself the task of creating interactive added value for teams and thus generating momentum in teams and groups. Our aim is to promote a sense of togetherness and belonging through moderated interactive content. In doing so, we complement the offerings of full-service event agencies without competing directly with them.

Our specialization does not lie in the typical services of an event agency, such as the development of event concepts, overall planning, budgeting, the search for and management of locations, contract management and negotiations, technical planning (with the exception of our specific products), participant management, catering and hospitality as well as security management.

Instead, our expertise and focus is on the design and implementation of interactive team events that are tailored to the exact needs and requirements of the teams. By focusing on this area, we can support agencies by enriching their offerings with our unique and customized activities that are specifically designed to positively influence and strengthen team dynamics.

individuelle workshops kleines Motiv

Conditions of cooperation

We strive to provide you and your team with effective support from the consulting phase onwards. In doing so, we position ourselves exclusively as experts in the field of team activities.
You can rely on sound, imaginative advice and concepts based on our extensive experience of over 20 years.

In the implementation phase, we focus on working in partnership to ensure that our services are seamlessly integrated into your overall concept.
We are happy to reward your commitment with attractive special conditions or commission payments.
The billing of our services can be handled flexibly – either via your budget or directly with the end customer.

Special products for agencies
An initial overview shows you products depending on the possible applications:

Products for large groups (up to 3000 participants)

Chain Reaction XXL
6 – 3.000
60-180 minutes
Face to Face

Chain Reaction XXL

The term “Chain Reaction” reminds many of their chemistry lessons. But with this event, it’s not about a scientific experiment, but a social one: will we manage to work so precisely with a team as big as 3000 colleagues that it ultimately only takes a …
10 – 3.000
30 – 60 minutes
Face to Face


Haka is a ceremonial dance of the Maori people. It has become known through the New Zealand rugby team: the All Blacks, to gain the respect of their opponents before the beginning of the game, demonstrating power and unity. With body, voice and mimes, the …

Products for a tight time budget

WUP – the quick warm up for big teams
45-60 minutes
Face to Face

WUP – the quick warm up for big teams

Making connections, starting a conversation, experiencing new impulses – the warm up »WUP« brings life into the company event. It was especially created as a networking impulse and quickly makes the colleagues more familiar with each other through the choice of tasks. Because of this, …
Battle Bingo – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
9 – 6.000
60 – 90 minutes
Face to Face

Battle Bingo – Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

‘Battle Bingo’ is our new and exciting version of the well-known classic. Join the competition against your colleagues and find out which team is the most creative and quickest when solving the various challenges. Cooperation is a must if your team wants to take the …
Rollercoaster – bring movement into the team
30 minutes
Face to Face

Rollercoaster – bring movement into the team

One team, one rollercoaster, one goal: bring the ball along the rollercoaster to the destination together. The rollercoaster consists of pipes which, once fitted together, build the track. And the support of the rollercoaster? That’s you, the team! Through coordinated movements, you transport the …

Products for indoor

Chain Reaction Compact
60-90 minutes
Face to Face

Chain Reaction Compact

How do you reduce a team down to the bare minimum, so that an us-feeling arises in no time, colleagues work together creatively – and at the same time, the use of materials is as low as possible, so that no waste is produced? Our …

Products for outdoor

Team Olympics
6 – 3000
120 – 240 minutes
Face to Face

Team Olympics

Experience a top-class company party with the BITOU Team Olympics! Look forward to unique and exciting activities such as pipeline, tower building and aerial rocket shooting, which not only provide a lot of fun but also strengthen team spirit. At BITOU, we take care of …

Exclusive products that are only available from BITOU

Video and images

Images and videos have an impressive effect and can significantly increase the persuasive power of your presentations. That is why we are happy to offer you our support in the sales process by providing you with meaningful image and video material.

This service is designed to help you make a lasting impression on your end customers. For access to these resources and to find out how we can further enhance your sales success, please contact our sales team.

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Have we piqued your interest?

Then give us a call or send us a message

Examples of outstanding customizations in collaboration with event agencies

A SALES Kick Off with a
Team Event
A SALES Kick Off with a “lasting” effect for the entire DACH region
Sustainability – a word that we have been encountering more and more frequently in almost all areas of our lives in recent years. But what exactly does sustainability mean? While in everyday language we associate the term with longevity and environmental protection, among other things, sustainability refers to much more.