Our international partners
TurnAround (VAE)
Turnaround is the leading experiential learning company in the Middle East and the United Arab Emirates and is part of our global team development network.
Moodmaker (Belgien)
MoodMaker, based in Belgium, offers a wide range of traditional team building programs and is part of our global team development network.
Ascendis (Rumänien)
Founded in 1997, Ascendis is the largest consulting and training company in the field of organizational development in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
AbrisGames (Rumänien)
AbrisGames, based in Romania, is part of the original Before Mars development team and is part of our global team development network.
Tirian (Australien)
Based in Australia, Tirian is one of the world’s leading providers of experiential learning programs. Their programs are designed to deliver meaningful insights and deep team understanding.
Edligo (Deutschland)
Edligo, with Ki and questionnaires, statistical evaluations of teams are compiled and recommendations are made as to which hard and soft skills can be improved.
Insolit Pro (Frankreich)
Insolit Pro, das in Frankreich ansässige Unternehmen bietet eine breite Palette traditioneller Teambuilding-Programme