The Highland Games Company Party - fun and measuring strength in a team

  • 6-3000
  • 120-240 minutes
  • Face to Face
Tree trunk slalom, hay bale throwing, whisky tasting: a Highland Games company party supplies lot of momentum and entertainment in the company event. With BITOU, you receive the whole package: we take care of the complete organisation for you - Europe-wide. And you have your mind free for the best entertainment with your team.
Highland Games

What are “Highland Games”?

“Highland Games” have existed in Scotland since the 11th Century AD. They say that King Malcolm the third announced a foot race to the summit of Craig Choinnich. The goal was to find the fastest runners in the country and to make them the king’s personal courier.

When we talk about the “Highland Games” today, we mean a rustic form of measuring strength that also offers a good amount of Scottish tradition and folklore. Highland Games are often organised as summer festivals, because they take place outdoors.


Highland Games motiv klein

What games belong to the Highland Games?

Classics are activities such as the caber toss, bagpipe music and whiskey tasting. Also disciplines such as hay bale throwing belong to them. You see: it has a lot to do with strength – and also to do with just trying things out.

Is a “Highland Games” company party suitable for my team?

The Highland Games company party is a particular change in every day working life. And it brings a lot of dynamic into the team. If you want to convey a particular experience and your team loves competition, you are in the right place with a Highland Games company party.

Perfect organisation, Europe-wide

BITOU takes on all of the organisation of your Highland Games company party. We find a suitable location (extra charge), provide Highland clothes and advise and accompany you through the whole of the planning.

Guarantee: bad weather option

The Highland Games company party takes place outside. If it is raining and you can’t postpone the party, we will offer a suitable alternative team event. This way, you are on the safe side concerning the organisation.

Train collaborative teamwork, strengthen trust and improve clear communication with your colleagues. Our “Everest Adventure” offers valuable learning effects for the sustainable success of your team. Experience how your team is already interacting effectively and explore together how it can develop further to be in the best possible position for future projects and challenges.


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At a glance


  • 6-3000
  • 120-240 minutes
  • Face to Face
  • Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Europe
  • Year round
  • German, English
  • outdoor
Trill through maximum entertainment
Thrilling team spirit doesn’t arise from brainwork, not individually at a desk – but through doing things, through community, through the contagious feelings of the colleagues.
The quick team impulse
You’d like to move, inspire, motivate your team, loosen up a meeting, or just say thank you - without having to book a complete team event? We offer many components of our team events, also single ones or in a shorter version!

Have we awoken
your interest?

Then send us an event enquiry. We will contact you immediately and discuss everything further.