Online horse race - rush ahead together and win the horse race

  • 2 – 500
  • 30-60 minutes
  • Virtual
Spending the lunch break together as a team? Starting the weekend with a playful round after work? This welds everyone together and is lots of fun! But what if it is possible online? How do you avoid awkward silences arising in the squares of the online conference? Can a terrific atmosphere arise despite the distance - like at a horse racing event on a sunny afternoon?
Online horse race – rush ahead together and win the horse race

The idea behind “online horse racing”.

Heavy pounding, cheering, secret intrigues: the online team event “horse racing” brings life to the virtual lunch break or to ring out the end of the day virtually. With a duration of 30 to 60 minutes, it is appropriate as a quick atmosphere lifter for in between. The participants come against each other in small teams of 3-5 members. Their task is to train a horse and to place bets – and to sabotage other teams at the same time. An atmosphere quickly arises. Almost as if everyone was sitting opposite each other!

Pferderennen kleines Motiv

The rules of the game

At the beginning of the online team event, a two minute video introduces the rules of the game. They are really easy. The players always have the choice between the same actions: training horses, placing bets on the horses, sabotaging other teams – and keeping an eye on what the others are doing. Depending on which decisions the team makes and when, each game round plays out differently.

The course of events

Horse racing online is played over a course of six races. Each race begins with a short overview of the route. In about a four minute discussion, the teams develop strategies together in breakout rooms on how they want to win the race. Do we bet on an untrained horse with high odds? Or rather on a horse which is more likely to win, but now doesn’t need any more resources invested in its training? Which strategies are the others implementing? When the strategies are set, all of the players come together in a joint room in order to follow the race.

Continually improving team strategies

After each of the six races the teams have the chance to adjust their strategies – or to purposely follow one strategy and to continually improve it. This is where there is real potential for team building, which can also take place long after the online horse racing. Who makes the decisions in the team? How good are we at negotiating strategically? This knowledge is of central importance, especially for agile teams.

Strengthen cohesion

“Horse racing online” clearly builds on competitive character: coming up against each other and competing, this encourages teams. But only teams that cooperate well and make their decisions sensibly can win. It’s about team success. Try it out!

At a glance


  • 2 – 500
  • 30-60 minutes
  • Virtual
  • Worldwide
  • Year round
  • German, English
  • Indoor
Trill through maximum entertainment
Thrilling team spirit doesn’t arise from brainwork, not individually at a desk – but through doing things, through community, through the contagious feelings of the colleagues.

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